I've pursued this election campaign daily, watched the debates, scrutinized the media feedback. Using a ledger approach, I find the issues, pro and con, come down to mainly those I list here:
Obama assets:
Environmentally aware
Clean energy proponent
Economic stimuli
Health care reform
Tax equity
Return to 1967 borders for Israel
Banking reform efforts
Pro choice
Obama liabilities
Big government
Failure to initiate immigration reform
Apologist for America
Possible Administration cover-ups
May allow Iran the bomb
Supports the Employees Free Choice Act
May appoint additional activist Supreme Court members
Less business friendly
Romney assets
Small business advocate
Strong military
Would appoint constructionist Supreme Court members
Balanced budgets
Opposed to The Employee Free Choice Act
Less government intrusion
Strong on non-nuclear Iran
Romney liabilities:
Pro life
Less compassion for the poor
Would replace current social security index
Beholden to Israeli lobby
Insensitivity to global warming
More dirty coal and oil advocacy
While economy analysts are anticipating tomorrow's report will indicate continuing gains in jobs, manufacturing, and housing, this may not help me get past my stalemate as a voter caught in an eclectic mix of liberal and conservative purviews, in keeping with my mindset that truth usually falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.
In 2008, I voted for a third party candidate. I may do so again.